
By visiting any of these blogs, one can stay up to date on all the latest techniques and photography gear. Some of these blog’s post some of the most intriguing photographs as well as provide information on commercial photography and services.

Shutter Hub Blog –

Shutter Hub was started in 2008 and is known throughout the UK as a community of photographers and photography hobbyists. The blog provides information on opportunities, support, and networking for photographers and photography lovers all over the world. Shutter Hub Blog posts around 1 article per week.

On Landscape / Landscape Photography Magazine –

On Landscape Photography Magazine is dedicated to providing its subscribers with landscape photography from romantic to contemporary. They stand as a community-based magazine and feature photographs by all their readers. They believe in showcasing great photography from around the world and strive to be one of the largest curated galleries.

Nina Mace Photography –

Nina Mace photography blog provides vital tips on photography, training, and how to start a photography blog for beginners. They also provide advice on how to start taking great quality photos and everything about marketing yourself as a photographer. You can expect more than 1 post a quarter on the Nina Mace Photography blog.

36exp Photographer’s School

The 36exp is a group of professional and enthusiastic photographers with great knowledge of photography and provides training in London. Their blog is full of photography advice and news. Reading their latest blog posts can enhance any hobbyist photographer’s aspirations and quality of work.

They post up to 1 article per week and have been providing training since 2014.

Re-Photo / Rays on Photography & Photographers

RE Photo is a blog about photography for photographers. The blogger has been writing about photography for over 30 years and the blog itself has been operating since 2006. The blog was created to stand as a major resource for photographers and anyone interested in the photography world.

This blog posts around 6 articles each week acting as a reliable photography source.

Photography is active in many industries making it important for anybody interested in photography or to make use of photography services to stay up to date and learn about the most used services and photographers in the UK.

All these blogs provide vital information on everything to do with photography and photographers in the UK.